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As an Executive Search Firm, confidentiality of candidates and clients is one of our major principles. Our web site offers a secure environment for exchange of information.
Information submitted to our web site (contact number, professional experience etc.) is kept in a confidential database and only accessible by MY Executive. By choosing to enter your personal information on this web site, you indicate your willingness to disclose this information to MY Executive and to be considered, when appropriate, for one of MY Executive’s searches. Your data is shared with MY Executive’s clients only after receiving your consent.
MY Executive database contains candidates resumes. If it is determined that the candidate uses the web site against the law and privacy policy, or if a request is made by an authorised body, MY Executive has the right to disclose the data of the member to the authorised institution. Additionally, MY Executive keeps the right to act according to the privacy principles, under similar circumstances.
MY Executive makes every effort to use the latest technology In order to maintain the highest data security.
Our company cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by a member registered to our system. Please note that you may delete your resume from the database at any time.
All users are to sign in with a unique username and password. If you receive a warning message informing you that your user id is already in use, please sign in again and change your password immediately. For password change, click the link which enables you to change Name, Surname, e-mail, user id and password at Submit Your CV.
In order to protect privacy, it is important to use the "Log out" button while leaving the web site. In spite of all our efforts to maintain the confidentiality of your data, which is one of our major principles, should you still encounter any privacy issues, please inform us via Contact Us.
Thank you for the trust that you have placed in MY Executive.