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Büyükdere Caddesi Levent Loft II, No: 7 Levent 34394 İstanbul - Turkey
Phone:   +90 212 258 5895 pbx  Fax:  +90 212 258 4051



From Maslak to Beşiktaş

, as you proceed on Büyükdere Caddesi, after leaving Tekfen Tower behind, go to the first exit on the right (Gültepe) and go straight for 500 meters. Proceed straight alongside the Zorlu Holding building, take the first full turn right, and you will see the LEVENT LOFT II entry on the right, 20 to 30 meters ahead. The security will guide you to LEVENT LOFT II guest parking area.

From Beşiktaş to Maslak

, as you proceed on Büyükdere Caddesi, go into the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge exit, turn to Büyükdere Caddesi from the first exit left. After 1 or 2 kilometers, go to the first exit on the right (Gültepe) and go straight for 300 meters. Proceed straight alongside the Zorlu Holding building, take the first full turn right, and you will see the LEVENT LOFT II entry on the right, 20 to 30 meters ahead. The security will guide you to LEVENT LOFT II guest parking area.