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Social Activities

Having played a significant role in the organizational structures of numerous industrial associations and non-governmental organizations, MY Executive continues to act as a pioneer in the adoption and implementation of modern principles and practices of corporate governance.

Through activities at sector-specific associations and unions, as well as trainings and publications, MY Executive continues to contribute to the development of corporate governance, independent board membership, and senior executive leadership concepts. The company plays a significant role in the restructuring of the sector by leading the way with its experienced consultants and outstanding research team. By contributing to the career development of its in-house expert research team, each of whom are graduates of elite universities in Turkey, MY Executive acts as a pioneer in developing professionals focused on becoming senior executives in the HR arena.

A founding member of the Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID), MY Executive also plays an active role in the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD). Müge Yalçın occasionally participates as a trainer in the “Independent Board Membership Expertise Programs” held by TKYD and contributes to the development of corporate governance in this capacity. Contributing to the IFC's database of board member candidates, MY Executive is also an active member of CFR Global Executive Search, another international professional association. An Advisory Board Member for the "Mentorship Program for More Women on Boards of Directors," Müge Yalçın also recently served as an auditor at PERYÖN. Furthermore, MY Executive is a member of the Association of Management Consultants (YDD) and the International Finance Management Institute (UFE).

In 2011, MY Executive prepared a board structure survey at publicly traded companies. Adding in the opinions of prominent business leaders and executives of the sector to survey findings, MY Executive published the book entitled, “Is it Time for Independent Board Membership? What Do They Say? What Do They Think?” MY Executive maintains its sterling contributions to the development of corporate governance.